We call on all the progressive minded people of the world to stand for the rights of the political prisoners in Turkey who are now facing bloody terror from the side of the fascist authorities of Turkey.


TELEGRAM № 1/3450-3451 from 20.12.2000 year

Moscow, Kremlin.
To the President of Russia, Putin

121200, Moscow,
Smolenskaya Square, 32/34.
To the Minister of International affairs of Russia, Ivanov

    We demand to immediately break up diplomatic relations with the fascist authorities of Turkey. The fascist regime of Turkey is developing a campaign of bloody terror against political prisoners in that country.
    Further diplomatic relations with the fascist regime of Turkey offends the memory of those millions of Russian citizens who died fighting against Hitlerite fascism and for the independence of our Motherland.
    If the Russian authorities do not take appropriate measures it will become an open accomplice of fascism with all its consequences.


Vladimir Nikiforov - Redactor in chief of «Proletarskaya Gazeta»

Anatolii Pizhov - Secretary of international relations within the Executive Committee of the Federation of Workers Unions of Russia «Defense of Labor»

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