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March 6, 2001
8th of March has been celeberated as the International Labourer Women's Day for a century. The sovereign classes are trying to empty the real meaning of the day by transforming it into a simple day on which the usual speeches, supposedly honouring women in general are made. Below, please find our Party's press statement celebrating this day as it is genuinely meant to be celebrated by the real owners who have earned this day as a result of their struggles and who are continuing with their struggles against capitalism today: the labourer women!
Labourer Women, to the Front Ranks of the Struggle!
The new conditions imposed by imperialism, under the name of globalization, upon the people of the World has made the living conditions of the labourer women, along with the other labourers, more difficult than ever.
Non-unionization, flexible working, dismissals from work and all the other «applications» of globalization has primarily hit women.
The privatization of social security and education, hence making these services fee-paying, has effected women more so than the men. For, it has become more and more impossible for women who constitute the majority of the poor segments of society, to reach these services.
At the same time, it tends to be women who carry the responsibility of the children. This has meant that they have to shoulder a double burden under these hard circumstances. Now, they have also been forced to leave aside a certain amount of their wages, which continue to decrease despite the working conditions that continue to become more difficult, for the health and education of their children.
The struggle for the right to become organized and social security, unemployment benefit, the right to free health services and education have all been added to the struggle for «equal pay for equal work» and a 35 hour working week. The labourer women have not taken back one single step in their struggles in spite of the increasing economical and social pressures and the growing exploitation. The working women against privatization and dismissals from work; the public employee women for their right to a trade union along with their right to strike and collective bargaining and a just wage; the mothers against the cruelty and torture in the prisons have not stopped their struggle for one minute. As a matter of fact, they have usually been in front and the leaders of the struggle.
The women's struggle, which the bourgeois female circles want to transform into a man- woman conflict within the framework of the system has been rendered ineffective due to the labourer women's struggle against capitalism.
Thus, in our country, 8th of March will be a day in which the demands of labourer women will be chanted out more vigorously and the struggle of the labourer women will further rise.
Our Party and our Party's women organizations will continue to work as a part and a leader of the labourer women's struggle as has been the case till today.
We celebrate the International Labourer Women's Day of all labourer women.
Man-Woman Hand in Hand: Work Bread Liberty!